Education Opinion

eduwonkette index - Golden Globe edition

By Eduwonkette — January 14, 2008 1 min read
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Number of Golden Globe nominations for “Juno”: 3
Percent of teenage girls who received abstinence-only sex education with no information on birth control (2002): 21%
Percent in 1995: 9%
Increase in teenage birth rate for 15-17 year olds in 2006: +3%
Percent of all births to unmarried mothers in 2006: 38.5
Extent to which Ellen Page got shafted at the Golden Globes: Majorly

Number of viewers of 4th Season’s opening “Grey’s Anatomy” episode: 20.5 million
Number of “Grey’s Anatomy” Golden Globe nominations: 1
Mortality rate due to homicide, white 15-17 year olds (per 100,000, 2002-04): 1.7
Mortality rate due to homicide, black 15-17 year olds (per 100,000, 2002-04): 20.7
Number of students in the US expelled for bringing a firearm to school (2002-2003): 2,143

Ratio of Golden Globe nominations to wins for “Atonement:” 7/1
Keira Knightly’s estimated weight in lbs (US Magazine): 100
Percent of non-poor 2-19 year olds overweight, (average:1988-1994): 8.4
Percent of non-poor 2-19 year olds overweight, (avg: 2001-2004): 14.9
Percent of poor 2-19 year olds overweight, (avg: 1988-1994): 12.6
Percent of poor 2-19 year olds overweight, (avg: 2001-2004): 17.9

Stats courtesy of NCES, CDC, and the Guttmacher Institute.

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