Charters, a new documentary, and politicians on parade. Just another July in educationland.
The Detroit News runs a piece that lauds educational experts descending on Detroit. Turns out we may have different ideas of what constitutes an educational expert.
Review of the new education documentary.
Are charter boosters shifting strategy to move from making inroads to consolidating hold on territory.
Well, now we know who’s backing Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education. Hint: not a bunch of regular citizens and teachers.
A Teach Plus TFA grad tries to make a case for the magical powers of PARCC.
Should we be excited about the ESEA rewrite, or not?
This week Pennsylvania adopted some new cut scores for the Big Test. Here’s just how bad they look.
Teaching While Black has always been a challenge in this country, and that problem doesn’t seem to be improving.
We keep talking about preparing students for global competition. What does that mean, exactly?
Florida Charter Scam (Part 23,174)
One more charter school scame. This time in Florida.
WI: Cheering Public Ed Destruction
The Heartland Institute is happy to see Wisconsin working to dismantle public education.
Jeb Bush apparently thinks education should stop before students learn too many big words.