Education Opinion

Curmudgucation Digest (August 9)

By Peter Greene — August 09, 2015 1 min read
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Last week I took a few days off for an actual vacation, but now we’re done with that. Here’s what’s been going on at the other blog.

Teacher “Shortage” Reflections

After I complied the fifty-state rundown on the teacher shortage, I took a few more minutes to reflect on what I found.

The Substitute Shortage

Turns out we also have a widespread substitute teacher shortage.

NY Charter in Trouble

Another New York charter school finds itself in all the sorts of trouble that are emblematic of what’s wrong with the charter school movement.

Rick Hess’s Cage-Busting Lessons

Rick Hess says he learned some lessons while promoting his new book. Let’s check his work.

NC Education of Tomorrow

Imagining just what education will look like in North Carolina in a few years.

Winning International Competition

New York Times and Washington Post both note some jobs coming back from China. Guess what? It’s not because of Common Core.

Putnam: Social Capital and Children

While on vacation I read Robert Putnam’s new book. Here are some of the lessons from it for education.

TNTP: Why Does Professional Development Suck?

TNTP released a new reporty thing about teacher professional development and why it’s not working (even though the providers are So Very Wise).

Merit Pay Fallacies

A Pullitzer Prize-winning author displays a lack of understanding of how merit pay would work.

FL: Better Bonus System

Florida wants to offer bonuses to folks who got high SAT scores. They aren’t ridiculous enough.

Evaluating Evaluation

How to evaluate an evaluation system.

So, I Have a Book

Shameless plug. I’ve published a collection of pieces from my blogging. There’s nothing in it you can’t already read for free, but, hey, it’s a book.

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