Knowing that many of you like to listen to things while sitting at your desk, I’m trying to keep track of what’s going on at NPR and other stations about education.
This latest roundup includes audio segments about the Bush budget proposal, extended time, college diversity, and school safety. Oh, and one about schools over-reacting to lice.
Check it out -- and if I’ve missed anything, let me know. Study Looks at Longer Day for Public Schools NPR
There are many approaches to improving education in urban districts. But maybe students just need to spend more time in school?
Congress Balks at Bush’s Education Plan NPR
President Bush began his presidency with a strong focus on education, but the area’s priority level has since fallen.
Colleges Face Challenge of the Class Divide NPR
In the United States, an education at an elite college can be a gateway to the upper class. But few can afford it. Amherst College in Massachusetts tries to be more inclusive by leveling the playing field for students.
School Violence NPR
The school shooting in an Amish community near Lancaster, Pennsylvania points out that school violence can occur anywhere in the nation, from inner city neighborhoods to suburban or rural schools. But will lock-downs, random searches and metal detectors make students safer?
Oakland Schools Revise Policy on Head Lice NPR
The Oakland public schools have quietly re-evaluated their policy on head lice. Students with the annoying parasites are no longer barred from school. Officials say the new policy is a more rational approach to how lice are spread.