Colorado has been keeping two sets of books, says the Denver Post -- one for the feds, the other for its own state ranking system (State’s “No Child” rank challenged). Meanwhile, the Washington Post shows how DC-area schools are making (or not) AYP in all sorts of ways (Required ‘Yearly Progress’ Difficult to Determine). Clearly, NCLB should be made more complicated. Meanwhile out in the Midwest, the St. Louis Tribune highlights the weak effects of vouchers on the rest of the Milwaukee school system (Voucher-Supported Private Schools Do Not Improve Public Counterparts). There’s competition for you. The most interesting of the options in the Times is from a few days ago (In the Classroom, Blazing a Path From Fidgeting to Focus). But the NY Sun has an interesting story about purchasing (Schools Pay Big Markup for Supplies). And the Honolulu advertiser tells us about the spread of a new kind of school (No Child enabling single-sex schools). Last and least: Biden Unveils Education Plan (CBS News).
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