Education Opinion

Big Stories Of The Day (Wednesday)

By Alexander Russo — April 25, 2007 1 min read
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Billionaires Start $60 Million Schools Effort NYT
Eli Broad and Bill Gates are joining forces for a $60 million foray into politics in an effort to vault education high onto the agenda of the 2008 presidential race.

House passes bill to increase math and science teachers CNN.com
The bill, which passed 389-22, would authorize more than $600 million through 2012 for scholarships and stipends for college students studying math and science in preparation for teaching careers.

Wash. music teacher is top of her class USA Today
Peterson’s selection is a victory for advocates of traditional teacher certification — she is the second National Board Certified teacher in a row to become Teacher of the Year, and the fourth in seven years.

Bush Presses Schools Plan During Trip to New York NYT
President Bush traveled to Harlem to seek common cause with the rival party, on its home turf, on his signature education initiative, “No Child Left Behind.”

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