Loan Firms Set to Regain Access to U.S. Student Data Wash Post
The U.S. Department of Education moved yesterday to restore loan industry access to a national database with confidential information on millions of students, two weeks after it was shut down amid allegations of data mining and privacy violations.
Maine Proposal Requires Students Apply to College Bangor Daily News
After Maine became the first state to use SATs instead of the state’s own tests as an academic measuring stick for high school juniors, education officials expected to see a slip in scores. But they noticed that the drop was less than expected –– suggesting that more Maine youths than previously thought had college potential.
Most Va. Tech students skipping finals
Finals at Virginia Tech begin on Friday, but most students aren’t buried in books. With the campus still reeling from the rampage that left 33 people dead, priorities have changed. “Classes seem so unimportant,” one student said.