Long Reviled, Merit Pay Gains Among Teachers NYT
Minnesota’s $86 million teacher professionalization and merit pay initiative got a lift when teachers voted overwhelmingly to expand it in Minneapolis.
For Bush, ‘No Child’ a hard act to follow Baltimore Sun
But his push this year to renew the law has made little progress. The administration is redoubling its lobbying efforts - including enlisting first lady Laura Bush - against opposition from both ends of the political spectrum.
Backlash against ‘zero tolerance’ in schools MSNBC
Lawmakers in several states say “zero tolerance” policies in schools have resulted in many punishments that lack common sense, and are seeking to loosen the restrictions.
Parents like No Child Left Behind, just not in their children’s school Poconos Record
Parents of public school students tend to believe the landmark education law No Child Left Behind is a good idea — except when it comes to their own schools.
Teachers Say NCLB Has Changed Classroom Practice Ed Week
A new study tracking the classroom impact of the No Child Left Behind Act in California, Georgia, and Pennsylvania suggests that teachers are adjusting their teaching practices in response to the law—but not always in ways that educators and policymakers might want.