Members of the Education Week shared the latest videos on education issues, including videos developed for PBS Newshour and These stories shone a light on best practices in the field and the challenges facing schools, educators, students, and communities. This blog is no longer being updated, but you can continue to explore these issues on by visiting our related topic pages: multimedia.
School Climate & Safety
Colorado Shooting Underscores Challenges of Keeping Students Safe (Video)
The STEM School shooting underscores the huge challenges educators face in keeping students safe, even as fatal and injurious gunfire inside K-12 schools remains statistically rare.
Families & the Community
How Well Are Schools Supporting Military Children With Special Needs? (Video)
Any parent whose child has special needs can find navigating a school system challenging. But that stress is compounded for military families, who move repeatedly among schools that may offer different services.
School Climate & Safety
Public Schools Get Creative to Meet Military Children's Needs (Video)
There are more than 1 million children in the U.S. whose parents are active duty military. This video explores some of the ways school leaders can work to meet these students' needs.
School & District Management
Start 2019 Inspired: Hear From 3 Outstanding School Leaders (Video)
Meet three of Education Week's Leaders To Learn From, who we are introducing early, and hear what drives them as educators and leaders.
The Future of Education Policy: Looking Beyond the 2018 Midterms (Videos)
Watch video from a recent live event where policymakers, analysts, and Education Week journalists examined the 2018 midterm election results and what education issues are likely to resonate in the fast-approaching 2020 election year.
Families & the Community
What Can Schools Do to Help Prevent Teen Suicide? (Video)
In this video, Education Week correspondent Lisa Stark joined a panel of experts who answered questions on teen mental health, suicide prevention, and more.
Meet the Principal Who's Never In Her Office (Video)
Bethany Hill, the principal at Central Elementary School in Cabot, Ark., shuns a formal office in favor of roving around classrooms, hallways, the playground, and the cafeteria, where she can be as close as possible to teachers and students all day.
School Climate & Safety
The Kavanaugh Hearings Are Prompting Educators to Take on Tough Conversations (Video)
Allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh have led to unavoidable conversations throughout the nation's schools around consent and consequences. Reporter Evie Blad discusses this issue on PBS NewsHour.
School Choice & Charters
Video: Puerto Rico, The Forgotten School System
Correspondent Kavitha Cardoza visited some of the island's hardest-hit schools. In this video, she explains the long-standing problems in Puerto Rico's school system and the controversial changes that are coming.
School & District Management
What's the Path Forward for Puerto Rico's Schools? (Video)
Puerto Rico's school system was struggling long before Hurricane Maria struck a year ago. But the disaster exacerbated deep problems. Now, the system is in the midst of dramatic change.
Families & the Community
The Four-Day School Week Debate (Video)
Education Week Correspondent Kavitha Cardoza visited the Cobre Consolidated School District in New Mexico, which made the change to a shortened school week just before the state declared a moratorium on the practice.
Families & the Community
With Opioid Addiction on the Rise, Schools Try to Expand Services for Children (Video)
The number of pregnant women addicted to opioids quadrupled from 1999 to 2014, according to a new federal report.
Early Childhood
Getting Children Ready for Kindergarten: 6 Tips (Video)
What should children know before they start kindergarten? Their ABCs? How to spell their name? How to share crayons? A teacher in Portland, Ore., shares a few tips for parents.
College & Workforce Readiness
How Lemonade Stands Are Teaching Kids 21st-Century Business Skills (Video)
Concerned that schools don't notice or nurture business skills, nonprofits are using the humble lemonade stand to foster entrepreneurship.