
On a Personal Note

By Sean Cavanagh — December 08, 2009 1 min read
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Some EdWeek readers already know this, but for those who don’t, I’ll make it official: I’m leaving the newspaper this week. I’ll be going to work for the Academy for Educational Development, a nonprofit that works on school, human health, and economic development issues internationally, and here at home. It’s located in the D.C. area.

This is a new opportunity for me, and one I’m enthusiastic about. But as I’ve told several of my colleagues, my experience here will be tough to match. I’ll also miss you, our readers—smart, engaged, and passionate about schools. You keep us on our toes. The staff at EdWeek, meanwhile, will continue keeping you informed about the K-12 world through news coverage, and through the Curriculum Matters blog. So above all, keep reading.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Curriculum Matters blog.