Here’s a bunch of links to interesting stories and items to keep you a readin’, a bloggin’ and a-twitterin’ over the weekend.
• The New York City Department of Education and the city teachers’ union agreed to delay releasing to journalists reports showing the “value added” gains attributed to individual teachers, pending a Nov. 24 court ruling. Yesterday, the United Federation of Teachers sued to stop the release of the information. Meanwhile, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, said he supports the public release of the information in New York.
• A bit of Common Core State Standards Initiative drama going on. The National Governors Association et al said thanks but no thanks to the Thomas B. Fordham Institute for a recent report in which it put for three potential options for overseeing the continued work of the standards-implementation process. Catherine Gewertz has analysis here. And according to Eduwonk, the under-the-radar message was not so polite.
• Important legal news for teachers: You can’t use a free-speech argument to justify your curricular decisions if they fly in the face of what the school board wants.
We’ll see you again next week!