The Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest is hosting a series of webinars on best practices for educating English-language learners in a rural setting. One has already taken place, but another one is scheduled for this coming Wednesday, March 9, and third is slated for the following Wednesday. The March 9 Webinar starts at 3 p.m. Eastern time. Space is limited.
The events feature both researchers who specialize in the education of ELLs and educators who work with them in schools. Though I see reports from time to time about the rapidly growing numbers of ELLs in rural schools, rarely do I see an event or publication that supports educators to design programs particularly suited for a rural setting. Typical challenges are that universities are miles away that could provide training for how to work with ELLs, and rural communities may not have bilingual people who can aid with interpretation for parents.
This series of webinars is meant to fill that information gap.