In this week’s print edition of Education Week, I have this story about the relatively few school-related cases that will be argued in the U.S. Supreme Court in its 2007-08 term.
The court has heard only one case directly involving a school district, and the justices deadlocked in that case, Board of Education of New York City v. Tom F.
The court is now finished accepting cases for argument in the current term. It will hear arguments for recently granted cases in February, March, and April, with decisions expected in all its pending cases by late June. While there is always a steady stream of education-related appeals that make their way to the high court, any such cases granted review in the months ahead would be heard in the court’s next term beginning in October.
As I mention in my story, this term has been quite a contrast to the court’s last term, in which six or seven cases were decided involving school districts, private schools, or teachers’ unions. See our summary here.