Have you ever wanted to point Education Week in the direction of district leaders who have brought fresh, successful ideas to their school communities? You now have a chance to do so: Our publication is soliciting nominations from readers for a special section called “Leaders to Learn From” that will run in February of next year.
In this pullout report, we plan to publish profiles of superintendents who have forged new routes to higher student achievement, finance directors who have devised novel strategies to stretch district dollars, curriculum directors with effective outside-the-box methods for improving learning—in other words, the people who come up with good ideas and have led the way in making them work.
If you know of a district-level administrator who has spearheaded a specific initiative that has brought measurable results, we want to hear about it. Please send your nomination and an explanation of why this person would be worth profiling, using the form below.
We’ll be reviewing nominations over the next few months, and soliciting some more from education experts, state school administrator groups, education writers, and other outside observers, before making our final profile selections. For more information about the project, email Assistant Managing Editor Debra Viadero. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!