Law & Courts

Clarence Thomas on Education and Youths’ Rights

By Mark Walsh — October 17, 2011 1 min read
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Clarence Thomas observes his 20th anniversary on the U.S. Supreme Court this week, and I have a story in this week’s issue of Education Week that examines some of his opinions in education and youths’ rights cases.

The story begins as follows:

“If the legal views of Justice Clarence Thomas had always prevailed in education cases that have come before the U.S. Supreme Court during his 20 years on that bench, schooling in this country would be different in a number of ways.

Administrators would have a much freer hand to discipline student speech. Students suspected of hiding drugs or other contraband would be subject to warrantless strip-searches by school officials.

At graduation ceremonies, students and perhaps clergy members could once again lead prayers.

States, meanwhile, could restrict the sale of video games to minors, and youths would have no First Amendment right to receive information without their parents consent.

And in higher education, race could play no part in admissions.”

The story, Justice Thomas Holds Firm Views on Youths’ Rights, is online now and in the Oct. 19 print edition.

A version of this news article first appeared in The School Law Blog.