ACT Awards
ACT, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Iowa City, Iowa, that develops and administers K- 16 education tests, recently honored six high school and university programs. The programs were honored for their ability to work with at-risk middle and high school students despite difficult circumstances and environments. The winners received ACT resources and services totaling $50,000.
Recipients are listed below alphabetically.
Franklin Towne Charter High School, Philadelphia, PA; Hamilton High School, Milwaukee, WI; Governors State University, University Park, IL; Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK; University of Illinois-Chicago’s School of Public Health, Chicago, IL; University of California, Oakland, CA.
School Nurse Award
The National Association of School Nurses recently honored Sue Ann McCarroll with its National School Nurse Administrator of the Year award. The award honors administrators of school health programs.
School Change Awards
The New Yotk City-based Fordham University graduate school of education recently honored six schools that have dramatically improved classroom instruction, teaching practices, and student participation.
Each winner receives a $5,000 award and is allowed to participate in a major national research project focusing on school change.
The winners are listed below alphabetically.
First Avenue Elementary School, Newark, NJ; Havencroft Elementary School, Olathe, KS; Hillcrest High School, Queens, NY; John H. Williams Elementary School #5, Rochester, NY; North Twin Lakes Elementary, Hialeah, FL; Sussex Technical High School, Georgetown, DE.