David Deubelbeiss, a teacher who calls himself an “avid creator” and “hoarder” of instructional material, has posted the 22nd edition of the ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival. Those acronyms, by the way, stand for English as a second language, English as a foreign language, and English-language learners.

One of the posts that I particularly enjoyed offers 10 tips on how to be a good language student. “Don’t feel you have to understand everything” is one of the pieces of advice. It struck a chord with me because I’ve often found while trying to learn and maintain some use of Spanish over many years, I simply can’t catch everything said, no matter what the setting. Another piece of advice is to keep a “learner diary.”
The carnival was created by Larry Ferlazzo, of Larry Ferlazzo’s WebSites of the Day, and is usually posted twice a year [April 7 Update: See Larry’s comment that it’s actually posted every couple of months]. Larry reports that the carnival will have a special May 1 edition focusing on early-childhood education. You can submit a post using this form.