Consider this an e-stocking stuffer from those of us at Campaign K-12, who pass along the following good tidbits to tide you over during the holiday season:
Much has been made of a split among Democrats on education policy, but is there a schism on the right, too? Ponder this at Flypaper.
A member of Obama’s agency review team on education tells a higher education publication that Linda Darling-Hammond, if she wants to, will either have a key role in the White House or in the Ed Department.
Will Obama’s stimulus package mean tidings of good cheer for schools? Maybe, writes Campaign K-12’s Alyson Klein, who explains that many educators want more than just money for school construction and broadband access.
And lest you think state legislators are only concerned about growing unemployment, declining tax revenues, budget cuts, and a home foreclosure crisis, never fear: two Nevada legislators are working on a bill to name an official state insect. Fourth-graders may get to do the honors.