How can practicing teachers, and others who are planning to join the profession, conquer their lack of familiarity or downright fear of technology and become adept at using digital tools in the classroom?
Mark your calendars, because Education Week will be exploring that topic in an online chat next week, scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 2 p.m., Eastern time. Our guests, fielding questions from readers, will be Odin Jurkowski of the University of Central Missouri, and Danielle Herro of Clemson University, both of whom work in teacher-education programs that have moved aggressively to help educators learn to use technology to improve their teaching and student learning.
EdWeek explored this topic, and what some say are teacher colleges’ shortcomings in this area, in a story featured in our recent report on blended learning. (A related piece focused on efforts to help administrators become more tech-savvy.) For more details on the chat, and to receive a reminder e-mail, sign up here.