If you have been wondering whether your school can handle the technological demands of the upcoming common-core tests, you’re not alone.
To help answer such questions, the two state assessment consortia have updated their technology specifications for those tests, as my colleague Sean Cavanagh explains on the Digital Education blog.
You might recall that in April, the two consortia released an early, joint version of the tech specifications. Those were aimed at offering districts guidance in planning for new hardware purchases.
Since then, however, each consortium has issued its own, more detailed version of the tech specifications, which are intended to help technology directors figure out where their systems might need upgrading before the tests are first administered in the spring of 2015.
The “2.0 version” released by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, or PARCC, came out on Friday. That’s what Sean’s writing about on the Digital Education blog.
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium released its second round of technology specifications earlier this month.