Standards & Accountability

Anti-Common-Core Rumblings in Alabama

By Catherine Gewertz — May 22, 2012 1 min read
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If you read this space regularly, you know that we’ve been doing our best to keep you abreast of efforts in state legislatures to question or unravel the Common Core State Standards. In that vein, we heard that the Alabama state Senate has approved a resolution encouraging the state board of education to undo its adoption of the common core.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think thank that opposes the common core, reported the progress of the resolution in its blog, The Foundry.

It seems that SJR49 passed the state Senate earlier this month. The resolution “encourage(s)” the state board of education to “take all steps it deems appropriate, including revocation of the adoption of the initiative’s standards, if necessary, to retain complete control over Alabama’s academic standards, curriculum, instruction, and testing system.” The bill, according to the legislature’s web-based bill tracker, has now made its way to the House.

You might recall that there was some deep unrest on Alabama’s board of education last fall, when a pro-common-core faction battled back opposition by opponents, including the governor, who is the president of the state board.

Word of the Senate resolution was circulating on conservative blogs, which were encouraging readers to pressure their lawmakers to take action on the bill.

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A version of this news article first appeared in the Curriculum Matters blog.