U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos will kick off the Education Department’s summer reading program Wednesday at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. The idea is to get kids to keep learning over the summer. Students will get a chance to read with the secretary.
And that begs the question: What book should she choose? (Her standing fave has been Dr. Seuss’ Oh the Places You’ll Go.)
We asked you on Twitter, and you suggested everything from the science fiction classic Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, to education policy tomes. Also on the list was Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue, by Nicholas M. Teich. (That could be a reference to DeVos’ decision to rescind President Barack Obama’s transgender guidance.)
Here’s a quick look at some of the other suggestions:
The End of Average by Todd Rose.
— Mark Sass (@collabteacher) July 11, 2017
Educational Exclusion: Drop Out, Push Out & the School-to-Prison Pipeline Among LGBT Youth
— Eliza Byard (@EByard) July 11, 2017
https://t.co/hzHRK0ujmz. 50 Myths and Lies That Threaten America’s Public Schools: The Real Crisis in Education @FLGovScott @FLGOPMajority
— bridgetmendel (@bridgetmendel) July 11, 2017
The Teacher Wars: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession
— Brian White (@TeacherBW) July 11, 2017
Agreed. I also suggest Teach Like Finland by @timdwalk
— Brian Page (@FinEdChat) July 11, 2017
The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice are Undermining Education
— Brian White (@TeacherBW) July 11, 2017
@KidsDeserveIt is a great one and I believe they’ve already sent it to her! @awelcome @TechNinjaTodd
— Andy Riemer (@andyr20) July 11, 2017
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire pic.twitter.com/JR3pDxbzmk
— Daniel T. Pollitt (@dtpollitt) July 11, 2017
A is for Activist! https://t.co/T5ar9LESYm
— Lanae Erickson (@LanaeErickson) July 12, 2017
Don’t forget allure of order, other people’s children, education and the cult of efficiency, talk to teachers and education debt.
— Josh Starr (@JoshuaPStarr) July 12, 2017
*inhales sharply upward* @rickhess99‘s “Letters to a Young Education Reformer” https://t.co/jMuU14Y327 https://t.co/dsiy6QXzhi
— Grant Addison (@jgrantaddison) July 12, 2017
I see Reign of Error is already mentioned, so how about Dark Money by Jane Mayer?
— Reluctant No More (@kmatracy) July 12, 2017