As anyone not sleeping under a rock now knows, President Barack Obama’s planned speech to students on Tuesday has created more than a bit of controversy.
We journalists know that you educators love being equipped with information, so here’s your weekend homework.
On Monday, go to the White House’s Web site, where President Obama’s “My Education, My Future” speech will be posted. There’s already a blog post up as a preview. White House officials said yesterday they were going to post it so that teachers and parents could vet the material and make decisions about whether or not to show it in school.
UPDATE (9/7): You can now find Obama’s speech here.
Speaking of materials, here are the suggested curriculum guides for grades Prek to 6 and grades 7 to 12. You can peruse these in case you get any questions from parents about them.
And if you want to know what previous presidents have told children, check out President Ronald Reagan’s November 1988 speech and President George H.W. Bush’s October 1991 speech.
Showing President Obama’s speech on Tuesday? Tell us how your district made the decision (link launches e-mail), or leave a note in the comments.