Special Report

Title IX at 40

How Far Have We Come
June 13, 2012
Since its passage in 1972, Title IX has spawned many changes. More girls than ever are playing sports. Doors have opened for them to take advanced math and science courses. Pregnant and parenting students have more educational opportunities. But most experts and educators say—and the data confirm—that gender equality has yet to be achieved. In this collection, Education Week examines the landmark federal law’s history, progress, and remaining barriers.
  • Nadiya Holley, the quarterback for the Ballou High School flag-football team, eludes opponents during a game this spring. The District of Columbia schools, as well as those in New York City, offer the sport—the closest equivalent to football for girls.
    Nadiya Holley, the quarterback for the Ballou High School flag-football team, eludes opponents during a game this spring. The District of Columbia schools, as well as those in New York City, offer the sport—the closest equivalent to football for girls.
    Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post/Getty
    Federal Title IX: New Opportunities for Girls, But Gender Gap Remains
    More K-12 girls than ever are involved in sports since passage of the 1972 law, but the gap between boys and girls remains huge.
    Bryan Toporek, June 12, 2012
    8 min read
    Alyssia Perez, 17, and her 5-month-old, Alyza Garcia, cuddle at the Healy-Murphy Child Development Center, in San Antonio, an independent school for pregnant and parenting teenagers. Title IX requires schools to ensure that such students get an equal chance.
    Alyssia Perez, 17, and her 5-month-old, Alyza Garcia, cuddle at the Healy-Murphy Child Development Center, in San Antonio, an independent school for pregnant and parenting teenagers. Title IX requires schools to ensure that such students get an equal chance.
    Lisa Krantz for Education Week
    School Climate & Safety Title IX Promise Unmet for Pregnant Students
    Title IX is most often associated with school sports, but the gender-equity law applies to many aspects of schooling.
    Nirvi Shah, June 12, 2012
    6 min read
    Equity & Diversity Gender Gaps Persist in STEM Subjects
    Girls are no longer shut out of math, science, or career education classes like they were before Title IX, but their participation still lags.
    Erik W. Robelen, June 12, 2012
    8 min read
    Federal Opinion Title IX: The Work Continues
    On the eve of Title IX's 40th anniversary, Fatima Goss Graves considers barriers the law has lifted and those that remain on the frontlines of gender bias.
    Fatima Goss Graves, June 12, 2012
    5 min read