Up until now, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, has had a background section on his Web site letting voters know where he stands on a long list of issues—health care, China, trade—but not education.
But, today, the campaign added an education section. No major policy proposals—apparently those are still to come—but the campaign does provide a quick, CliffsNotes version of Romney’s record in Massachusetts, including his support for charter schools, rigorous standards, and merit pay.
He also takes a veiled pot-shot at his chief rival, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, who made what lots of folks considered a big gaffe when he called President Obama a “snob” for trying to ensure all kids get some kind of post-secondary education.
“Students must be encouraged to pursue that dream and work hard to achieve it. Post-secondary education cannot become a luxury for the few; instead, all students should have the opportunity to attend a college that best suits their needs. Whether it is public or private, traditional or online, college must be available and affordable,” Romney’s campaign says.