Thanks to KIPP’s Mike Feinberg for walking the walk when it comes to transparency. He shared the little-known list of six KIPP “breakups” referred to in Jay Mathews’ column this week, and his partner Steve Mancini added a seventh. As with the other kind of breakups, what exactly happened (who broke up with whom, and why) is in some cases at least open to different interpretation by the parties involved. My interpretations are in parenthesese: KIPP PATH in DeKalb County, GA and KIPP Sac Prep in Sacramento (“it was mutual”)...KIPP Chicago Youth Village and KIPP Asheville Youth Academy (“never got that prenup signed”)...KIPP Achieve in Atlanta and KIPP Sankofa in Buffalo (“it’s not me, it’s you”)... KIPP Cole in Denver (never made it past the third date).