Federal Opinion

The British Story, Again

By Richard Whitmire — October 21, 2011 1 min read
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The gender gaps in the U.K. seem roughly equivalent to what we’re seeing here. The difference is the extent of the awareness. Overseas, the story makes regular appearances in the news. Here, the subject is still considered somewhat exotic -- and controversial.

The latest from England:

Figures published today by the Department for Education show that girls perform better in every area of early development, including reading, communicating, basic numeracy, social skills and physical awareness. According to statistics, four-in-10 boys cannot write a simple shopping list or a letter to Santa, compared with just a fifth of girls. A quarter of boys also struggle to recite the alphabet by the age of five, while nine per cent cannot count to 10 and almost one-in-20 fail to dress independently or use the toilet by themselves. The disclosure is made in a Government analysis of English children at the end of the foundation stage - or reception year - before infants move into Year One.

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