Having lived through the last five years of “sky is falling” news about NCLB’s imminent demise -- look back and you’ll see it’s been about to fall apart since almost the beginning -- I’m deeply skeptical about the premise of Gail Russell Chaddock’s Christian Science Monitor piece (‘No Child Left Behind’ losing steam).
To be sure, NCLB isn’t winning any popularity contents. But it never really did. Moreover, the piece leaves out just how awkward it would for many Republicans to buck their President and explain why they voted for NCLB in the first place. There’s lots of jockeying going on, which I’m sure Gail knows but doesn’t get into the piece. Speaking of which, giving a prominent quote to the Fordham Foundation’s Checker Finn, who’s currently flopped against NCLB (and had an awkward time of it), doesn’t do much for me and should have been flagged.