Federal Opinion

Moving back to the U.S.

By B.J. Bryant — April 03, 2007 1 min read
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Barbra also mentioned being “out of the loop of American culture and what is going on in the system.” Since you are reading Education Week and Agent K-12, you are obviously online and keeping up with the best source! 1) The use of technology in the job search will be one huge change in the seven years that you have been gone. Especially in urban and suburban school districts you will find that applications are completely online. 2) Online applications will contain pre-interview essay questions to see how you think and feel about teaching. 3) Jobs are listed on school district websites, state department websites, nonprofit websites, and commercial websites.One more suggestion: highlight your international experience. Although there is a good supply of elementary teachers in the Midwest, you have a very unique set of experiences which deserve emphasis. Your international expereince and savvy can serve you well!

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