Chicago Local School Councils: An Evolving History

This timeline follows the development of the Chicago local school councils and how they’ve evolved.

Chicago Local School Councils: An Evolving History

This month marks the 25th anniversary of the historic elections in Chicago where residents chose who would sit on the city’s first local school councils. Today, the councils are so intimately woven into the fabric of Chicago's public schools that, for some residents, it is hard to envision the system without them. This timeline follows the development of those councils and how they’ve evolved.

Related: Chicago's Local School Councils 'Experiment' Endures 25 Years of Change

Source: Chicago Public Schools; The Illinois School Code, Education Week archives, The Chicago Tribune archives; University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research; Catalyst Chicago | Design & Visualization: Gina Tomko | Research assistance provided by Holly Peele and Rachel James
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A version of this article appeared in the September 24, 2014 edition of Education Week