Long-Term English Learners

Read more about students not yet attaining English proficiency after more than six years in school
Photo of Latino teen studying in library.
English Learners What New Research Shows About the Academic Success of Former English Learners
A new study offers a more nuanced look at English learners' academic performance in high school by disaggregating data.
Ileana Najarro, November 20, 2024
4 min read
Images shows colorful speech bubbles that say "Q," "&," and "A."
English Learners Opinion How to Help Long-Term English Learners Progress
Start by ditching the erroneous label and referring to the students as "experienced multilinguals" and then adjust their supports.
Larry Ferlazzo, May 16, 2023
8 min read
Teaching Opinion 'Prevention Is the Best Way to Support Long-Term English-Learner Students'
Four educators provide recommendations on how to support Long-Term English-Learners, including providing more support to them earlier and identifying whether they have other special needs earlier, too!
Larry Ferlazzo, January 22, 2020
17 min read
Teaching Opinion 'Make It Clear to Long-Term English-Learners That Their Voices Matter'
Six educators share advice on how to support Long-Term English-Language Learners, including emphasizing vocabulary development and academic language.
Larry Ferlazzo, January 20, 2020
19 min read
Teaching Opinion Ways to Support Long-Term English-Language Learners
Eight educators offer their recommendations about how schools and their teachers can best support Long-Term English Language Learners, such as keeping expectations high for students.
Larry Ferlazzo, January 17, 2020
22 min read
English Learners Itinerant English-Learners Pose Challenges for School Systems
A new study that sought to examine learning conditions across the country for long-term English-learners found that 1 in 5 of the students are highly mobile, and may not have access to consistent language support as a result.
Corey Mitchell, May 23, 2019
3 min read
English Learners ELLs Who Master English Early More Likely to Graduate On Time, Study Finds
An Arizona-based WestEd study found that long-term English-language learners struggled to graduate within four years of entering 9th grade.
Corey Mitchell, December 1, 2016
2 min read
Every Student Succeeds Act ESSA: Ed. Dept. Releases English-Language-Learner Guidance
States and districts that get federal funding to support English-learners can use that money to help track long-term ELLs and ELLs with learning disabilities, as well as to help figure out how former ELLs are progressing, according to guidance released Friday.
Alyson Klein & Corey Mitchell, September 23, 2016
2 min read
Kevin Pineda, 18, is due to graduate from Fairfax High School in Los Angeles in June. After years of struggling to master English, Pineda credits a course taught by Joel Miller for helping him achieve proficiency in English and putting him on track to earn his diploma.
Kevin Pineda, 18, is due to graduate from Fairfax High School in Los Angeles in June. After years of struggling to master English, Pineda credits a course taught by Joel Miller for helping him achieve proficiency in English and putting him on track to earn his diploma.
Emile Wamsteker for Education Week
Federal For Stalled ELL Students, Graduation Is Often an Elusive Goal
Long-term English-learners—those who are not considered proficient for five or more years—are at a great risk of dropping out of school. What can schools do to keep these students on track to graduate?
Alyson Klein, May 11, 2016
11 min read
Equity & Diversity 'Leaders to Learn From' Honoree Relates to Struggle That Long-Term ELLs Face
"I have a real connection, not only with the immigrant journey, but the English language journey," says Anaheim Union High School District Superintendent Michael Matsuda.
Corey Mitchell, February 24, 2016
1 min read
English Learners Leader To Learn From California Leader Puts Spotlights on Long-Term English-Learners
Michael Matsuda, superintendent in the Anaheim Union High School District, has spearheaded new efforts to support English-learners who struggle for years to achieve proficiency in the language. He is recognized as a 2016 Leader To Learn From.
Corey Mitchell, February 24, 2016
7 min read
English Learners California Puts More Attention on Long-Term English-Language Learners
Many students struggle to learn English because schools fail to monitor their progress, adequately train teachers or provide appropriate curriculum.
Corey Mitchell, December 18, 2014
1 min read
States California Governor Approves Long-Term ELL Bill
The measure, approved by Gov. Jerry Brown, will make California the first state in the nation to reveal the extent to which long-term English-learners get stalled in their progress toward in fluency.
Lesli A. Maxwell, September 24, 2012
1 min read
Equity & Diversity Calif. Advocacy Group for ELLs Wins National Recognition
Californians Together garners national recognition for its work on the biliteracy seal and long-term English-learners.
Lesli A. Maxwell, September 21, 2012
1 min read