A sampling from the teacher blogosphere:
Epiphany in Baltimore, starting to see the effects of teaching on his health, is trying to get back in shape.
Hobo Teacher is having nightmares about grading.
Mei Flower, fresh off a theatrical production set in the 1980s, is giving her hair a vacation.
Mister Teacher is conjuring up satirical lesson ideas from his pool.
Teacherninja is reading, going to his daughter’s swim meets, and checking out what other people are reading at his daughter’s swim meets.
Donalyn Miller, not to be outdone, is reading a book a day, as often as possible with her granddaughter in her lap.
Miss Eyre, spared from layoffs, is definitely not taking a staycation again this year. But first she is packing up her classroom library—a task (mind you) that she does not take lightly.
Mr. McNamar, preparing to teach three summer literature courses, is researching the Harkness method used at Phillips Exeter Academy. (Well, well, well. ...)
And Happychyck, an English teacher, is taking a break from Facebook after being assaulted—"Yes, assaulted"—by ungrammatical postings from friends.
And you?