Unmet Promises: High-Achieving, Low-Income Students
Unmet Promises is an occasional series examining the challenges facing disadvantaged students who show academic potential.
School & District Management
Place-Based Lessons Help Rural Schools Engage Gifted Students
Researchers and educators are collaborating in 13 rural Virginia districts to develop lessons that speak to academically promising students through their surroundings.
College & Workforce Readiness
Disadvantaged Students Outnumbered at Top Public Boarding Schools
Academic and emotional supports are needed to help gifted students from low-income families thrive at public residential schools.
College & Workforce Readiness
College Scout Mines Below-the-Radar Schools for Diverse Talent
A recruiter for highly selective Gettysburg College scours schools for high-achieving low-income and minority prospects.
Equity & Diversity
For Some Immigrant Students, Culture Bears on College Choice
High-achieving students from immigrant families face a complex set of considerations in finding the right college.
College & Workforce Readiness
Changes Forecast for Federal College-Aid Form
Concerns that too many qualified students are missing out on financial assistance have prompted calls to make the FAFSA process easier and more accessible.
College & Workforce Readiness
Ariz. Charter Helps Point Rural Students to College
By building on its Navajo students' culture, the STAR School is giving some graduates the confidence to seek a college education far from home.
Equity & Diversity
N.J. Gifted School Serves Mostly Poor, Minority Students
At the Paterson Academy for the Gifted and Talented, teachers say students’ diverse backgrounds deepen learning for everyone.
Equity & Diversity
Poorest Students Often Miss Out on Gifted Classes
A combination of factors keeps academically talented low-income students from getting the advanced instruction they need to reach their full potential.
Equity & Diversity
Selective High Schools Struggle to Diversify Enrollments
Leaders of elite public high schools are banding together to find ways to enroll more students from low-income families and underrepresented minority groups.