Professional Development Opinion

Assistant Principal Licensure

By B.J. Bryant — March 13, 2007 1 min read
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For Michele who was inquiring about being approached about an assistant principal position and wondered what licensure program to pursue --- from Dawn Jones, AAEE President, from Northern Ilinois University.

I would recommend that you obtain your Type 75 certification, especially if you envision progressing as an administrator in Illinois. The Type
75 is considered to be the standard for administrative positions. It will open far more doors for you than a master’s degree in Teacher Leadership. If you peruse administrative openings - from assistant principal through superintendent - you will see that they almost always require a Type 75.

Your principal must think very highly of you to consider you for an assistant principalship, and it sounds like you will have some excellent administrative skills already.

Your experience may count for more than you expect, because that very experience might be useful to you as you complete the coursework for your Type 75. I’ve done many presentations for soon-to-be administrators, and they come from a wide variety of experiential backgrounds. Your background will help you to enrich your own curriculum as well as that of your cohort group.
I wish you the best of luck.
Dr. Dawn Jones

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