Over at 2 Languages 2 Worlds, a blog written by researchers who study bilingualism, Elizabeth D. Pena announces that a new book about research on English-language learners will soon be released. The book, The Education of English Language Learners: Research to Practice, is edited by Marilyn Shatz and Louise C. Wilkinson, and includes chapters by some researchers whose names I recognize.
Alison L. Bailey, who has written a lot about academic English (the language of school), has a chapter about the implications of research for assessment and instruction of ELLs. Diane August, Cheryl Dressler, Claude Goldenberg, and William M. Saunders have written a chapter about recent research on literacy instruction for ELLs. I expect that chapter to include some of the same content as the article, “Teaching English Language Learners: What the Research Does--and Does Not--Say,” that Goldenberg wrote in 2008 for American Educator, the magazine of the American Federation of Teachers.
The publisher of the book is Guilford Press. Amazon.com says it will be released in May.