Career Advice Opinion

Reality Check

By AAEE — September 20, 2010 1 min read
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Dear Career Corner Readers,

First, let me apologize for the long gap in entries to our blog. The combination of “summer haze” and a bit of soul-searching on the best way to continue this blog caused the delay. In fact, we are still looking for ways to make this forum more viable and useful to you all, so please let us know if you have any thoughts on how we can do so.
Much is happening in the field of education these days and I am afraid that on the teacher hiring front, the news is not that positive. Most school district budgets have been cut again this year, with no governmental “stimulus” relief to offset those deficits and that translates into difficult staffing decisions. Class schedules are modified, student-teacher ratios are increased, auxiliary programs are curtailed or even eliminated and teachers are furloughed or laid off, all in the attempts to balance budgets.
The message to all job-seekers in education is that the teacher employment outlook is not very promising this year.......but do not despair. There will be pockets of hiring activity, some having to do with geographic locations that are not as hard hit by budget problems, some with the need for teachers in critical, high-demand/low- supply subject areas and some in non-traditional teaching settings such as alternative schools, charter schools, etc.
I encourage all of you who did not secure a teaching position this year or who lost your teaching position to seek the help of the Career Services professionals at your alma mater. They can assist you in a thorough analysis of your job search activities, as well as, a thorough critique of your job search materials. Additionally, these folks can provide you with an objective view of your local teacher job market, the market in other geographic regions, the market for other certifications and they can suggest alternative opportunities to pursue while you wait for a turnaround in this hiring situation.
The bottom line is seek help before you give up on your dream of becoming a teacher. There may be cracks of light in the midst of this hiring darkness and others may be willing and able to help you find it!!

Good luck!!!!

Curt Schafer
Director of Career Services
Texas State University

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