There is nothing like meeting a confident but humble individual. As a recruiter, those candidates are few and far between, but they are indelible in my mind and inevitably garner more consideration than others less sure of themselves.
Let’s talk about confidence, the “self” kind. Whether you view confidence as an asset to be leveraged or a giant to be conquered, the ultimate product of confidence is a positive feeling in those who interact with you, a feeling you want your recruiters to feel when they think about you. Confidence inspires a sense of security, and humans crave the feeling(s) that perceived security brings. Why? When I encounter someone who feels sure of himself/herself, I think, “This person is competent, savvy, and in general a safe bet.” The reality of that notion is not necessarily true, but we are not discussing the validity of self-confidence as it relates to an actual skill set. We are considering presentation.
There are various ways to boost confidence that might raise an eyebrow or two, but we will consider some practical methods that many teacher applicants have reported useful.
- Self-talk is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
- Rehearse your interview.
- Know more about your school of choice than they expect you to know.
You will find successful candidates, practicing these methods regularly, and the results are often a call back when paired with the well-written resume and cover letter because the timid albeit qualified candidates tends to dissipate in the memories of recruiters the world wide.
Do yourself the favor and begin practicing your more confident self today. Keep in mind that cocky is not confident nor does it translate as such. Trust your skill, your experience, and yourself, and others will tend to as well.
Matthew Lopez
Associate Director of Talent
Atlas Preparatory School
Colorado Springs, CO