The Every Student Succeeds Act finally becomes a classroom reality this fall, putting more authority—and on-the-ground responsibility—in the hands of district leaders, school-level educators, and state policymakers.
Education Week offers a big-picture look at how prepared states, districts, and schools are to meet the challenges of the new federal K-12 law and what they can do to assure a smooth rollout in the 2018-19 school year. In this virtual event, Education Week journalists and guests will staff online “discussion” booths on a host of topics, including details of the law itself; its impact on teacher policy; testing and assessments; how schools and districts are meeting the law’s demands for data and transparency; what ESSA means for minority students, English-learners, and those with disabilities; and market opportunities and challenges for the business sector as educators move to meet ESSA’s requirements.
Event Videos

Education Week journalists and guests provide practical takeaways on the Every Student Succeeds Act.
ESSA’s Government Policy Landscape

ESSA Policy: Who’s Calling the Shots Stateside

New Wrinkles in Testing and Assessments

ESSA and High-Quality Teaching

Minorities, English-Learners, and Special Education—Who’s Keeping Watch?

The ESSA Marketplace

Final Reporter Wrap-up
Led by the reporters, the Education Week newsroom will close out the day with insights from the discussions they’ve had with you, the readers.