Live from the Learning Forward annual conference in Atlanta.
Congratulations to an accomplished teacher leader and great friend to Education Week Teacher, Bill Ferriter, for receiving the 2010 Learning Forward Staff Development Book of the Year Award.
Bill was given the award for Building a Professional Learning Community at Work in an early morning, pomp-and-circumstance-filled ceremony here at the conference. The book is a guide for schools in their first year of implementing professional learning communities. Bill was beaming yet humble when I chatted with him after breakfast (amidst a small crowd of fans that had come to congratulate him, no less).
Also, a quick footnote to a former post: I reported being at a “several-hundred-person breakfast” yesterday. It appears that my estimation skills are less than stellar. When I got around to asking, a Learning Forward staff member informed me that there are closer to 3,000 attendees at the conference. Wow. Off by a landslide. I’ll take some solace in the fact that I didn’t realize there was an overflow room for meals—but still, my apologies to the conference planners for failing to appreciate the scale of this event. And kudos to them for keeping things running so smoothly that the number of attendees is not a salient factor.