When we usually talk about teachers and their technology skills we usually separate them into two categories: technology averse or technology savvy. However I believe that there is a third category that is gaining traction. This new category I am calling tech-welcoming. These teachers are the teachers that need extra help to really understand the technology and to get it infused into their pedagogy and curriculum. However, they are trying. They really try to understand the technology and they are willing to try it out and make it part of their instruction.
Especially with the tough economic times we are facing and that we need to start to target professional development dollars so that we get the most out of it, I believe that this group of teachers are the ones that we really need to target. The technology averse will come up with excuses as well as just not want to take part in the training. The technology savvy teachers either usually know it or if you just barely expose them to something that could help them, they are off and running. That leaves us with the tech welcoming teachers. These teachers need our help but they are willing. They will take longer to get it and it sometimes it might even get frustrating but they usually become your biggest advocate.
What do you think of the term “tech welcoming”? How are you targeting these teachers in your school or district?
James Yap