The National Network of Education Research-Practice Partnerships (NNERPP; @RPP_Network) bids farewell and reflects on the blog in this final Urban Education Reform: Bridging Research and Practice post.
After more than 18 months of sharing the work and insights of researchers and practitioners from research-practice partnerships (RPPs) around the country on this blog with you, our time together has come to a close.
It’s not an easy farewell, as it has been a truly terrific experience for us to share with you this collection of stories from all across the RPP field. As the National Network of Education Research-Practice Partnerships, we are gifted unique insights into this growing and evolving movement in education and are energized by the community of researchers and practitioners that have shared their work here. This blog has served as an important bridge in and of itself, allowing us to connect with interested readers beyond our immediate RPP circles—and it has been a great pleasure to do so!
We are deeply grateful to Education Week for providing us the opportunity to write about all-things-RPP via this forum. We also want to express our deep appreciation to our members and friends of the Network who have made this blog possible by sharing their work and insights week after week. Last but certainly not least, we want to thank you, our readers, for joining us on this journey!
Our hope is that by following this blog, you have learned about the groundbreaking education research that is happening across the country and about the hard work of school districts and state education agencies to implement these findings. Most importantly, though, we hope that you’ve seen how these two typically divided sectors in education are able to come together—indeed, how researchers, practitioners, and policymakers can work collaboratively to improve our children’s lives.
If you’ve followed along for a while, you’ll know that this work isn’t always easy—plenty of posts have truthfully told of the difficulties and remaining challenges of RPP work that come right along with the many successes also shared here. We hope you will continue to follow along with emerging research and knowledge from us, our members, and other leaders in the field as we work through these challenges and toward discovering the full potential of RPPs.
As for us: We will continue to share stories and insights from the intersection of education research, policy, and practice right here, in our newly launched space, NNERPP | Extra. We invite you to explore the website and subscribe to our mailing list for our inaugural issue to be delivered straight to your inbox next January.