Education Opinion

Big Stories Of The Day (May 9)

By Alexander Russo — May 09, 2007 1 min read
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Federal Student Loan Chief Will Step Down Washington Post
The head of the U.S. Education Department’s student loan office announced her resignation yesterday amid mounting criticism of the agency’s oversight of the loan industry.

Government Slow To Address School Bus Emissions CNN.com
Day in and day out, children across the U.S. are riding to school on aging buses, breathing what some activists say is a dangerous brew of pollutants up to five times dirtier than the air outside.

Paying Brave Teachers What They’re Worth Washington Post (Mathews)
Eighteen award-winning teachers have come up with a performance-pay plan for teachers. It is full of good ideas...So why am I having trouble accepting the whole package?

Debates as entertainment? Washington Times
The hallmark legislation of the Bush administration, currently up for reauthorization, is No Child Left Behind. Yet, not a single question on No Child Left Behind.

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