Education Chat

Chat: Building Multitiered Systems of Supports for Students From the Ground Up

John O'Connor, the director of interventions and assessment for the 42,000-student Henry County, Ga., school district, answers your questions and shares the victories, challenges and lessons learned while supporting a districtwide multitiered system of supports initiative.

Building Multitiered Systems of Supports for Students From the Ground Up

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Thursday, November 3, 2016, 2 to 3 p.m. ET

Click here for more information about this chat.

Note: No special equipment other than Internet access is needed to participate in any of our text-based chats. Participants may begin submitting questions the morning of the chat.

Live Blog Chat: Building Multitiered Systems of Supports for Students From the Ground Up

How do school districts sustain response-to-intervention strategies and other forms of multitiered systems of supports? It can be a bumpy road, but you have to celebrate the small wins along the way.

In this chat, John O’Connor, the director of interventions and assessment for the 42,000-student Henry County, Ga., school district, answers your questions and shares the victories, challenges and lessons learned while supporting a districtwide multitiered system of supports initiative.

John O’Connor, director of student support programming, Henry County Schools, Ga.

Christina Samuels, assistant editor, Education Week
