As I’ve mentioned before, I am a public radio junkie, so I was delighted to find out about this program in New York City called Radio Rookies that conducts workshops for underprivileged teens in the area to teach them how to use radio recording equipment to tell stories about themselves and their communities that ultimately air on WNYC’s Morning Edition.
One of the most recent segments was produced by Keith Harris a high school senior who was raised in Guyana and didn’t learn to read until he came to school in the United States in 9th grade. His segment talks about the shame he felt about his illiteracy and how he worked to overcome that barrier and learn to read and write on grade level. It’s truly an inspiring story, and it can be downloaded for free on the Web site, or you can read a transcript of his piece.
Another student, Josetta Adams, talks about her struggle with depression and how she deals with it in a family and community where it is considered taboo.
I could spend hours trolling through this Web site and listening to all the stories created by these creative teens, and I highly suggest you take a look as well. In the meantime, check out this movie put together by the team of radio rookies from Brooklyn about their experience in the program.