
Passing the Baton on the Rural Ed. Blog

By Diette Courrégé Casey — April 07, 2014 1 min read
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After more than a decade of covering education and three years of writing the Rural Ed blog, I’ve taken a new job as a corporate communications strategist for Roper St. Francis, the largest healthcare system in the Charleston area.

When I decided to accept this new role, I realized it was time to let someone new report on rural education. EdWeek has tapped Jackie Mader, an education reporter for The Hechinger Report and Mississippi resident, as my replacement. She starts this week, and I’m looking forward to following her coverage of rural schools.

I’m grateful to have had the chance to write this blog and to learn more about groups such as the Rural School and Community Trust, the National Rural Education Association and the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues. Each has helped me identify and understand important rural education issues.

Thank you to the educators, administrators, policymakers and advocates who have read this blog and shared their stories. I hope our paths cross again in the future. And if you need to reach me, you can find me here.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Rural Education blog.