In Vermont, Prisoners Go To High School Behind Bars WaPo
Vermont’s largest high school is run by the Department of Corrections. The school -- operating in each of the state’s jails and prisons, with walk-in schools at Probation and Parole offices -- has about 3,500 registered students, though only about 350 attend classes every day.
With One Word, Children’s Book Sets Off Uproar NYT
The inclusion of the word (scrotum) has shocked some school librarians, who have pledged to ban the book from elementary schools, and reopened the debate over what constitutes acceptable content in children’s books.
More students across US logging on to online classrooms Boston Globe
Enrollment, counted as the total number of seats in all online classes, not the number of students, has grown twentyfold in seven years, and the group expects the numbers to continue to jump 30 percent annually.