Effective teachers brace for change USA Today
Even at a glance, Zakia Sims seems like a good teacher....But in a few years, her credentials might not help her keep her job. It might come down to this: How well do her 6- and 7-year-olds do on standardized tests?
On Education: On Different Pages With Bilingual Education NYT
Recent decisions on school closures have fueled the debate over bilingual education.
Kansas: Anti-Evolution Guidelines Are Repealed AP
The State Board of Education repealed science guidelines questioning evolution, putting into effect new ones that reflect mainstream scientific views.
Mikulski Seeks Federal Aid for Schools Before Student Influx Washington Post
U.S. Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski said yesterday that she would push an amendment allowing any school district affected by the realignment of military bases to receive federal aid before the arrival of students whose parents relocate for the job shifts. accountable for raising test scores in science by 2014.