Unless this is your first visit to this blog, you’ve probably noticed that I haven’t posted in about a month. I owe you an explanation and an apology for the lack of communication.
The short version is that I’ve become very busy with my job as a principal, graduate school, and another major project I’ve started for school leaders.
While I enjoy writing and engaging with readers here, I can’t currently dedicate time to the extensive reading that this blog requires each week, so it has gone dormant. I will be starting my dissertation in the next few months, so I don’t expect to have more free time until next summer.
However, I believe that performance issues in education need to be addressed and debated by practitioners and policy experts, and I hope this blog can continue to be a forum for such debates.
I have spoken with my editors at EdWeek, and we have decided to keep the blog alive by inviting guest authors to contribute, much as Rick Hess and other EdWeek bloggers do. The first series of guest posts is already in the pipeline—you’re in for a treat.
If you are interested in doing a guest post or series (or can recommend someone who would be), please drop me a line (justin.baeder at gmail.com). I’m particularly interested in hearing from researchers who typically write for more scholarly audiences, and from practitioners such as teachers, principals, and central office administrators. I will still participate by writing responses and follow-up posts based on the guest contributions.
Since I know it’s frustrating to check a blog and see no updates day after day, I recommend signing up to receive updates via email, which is very easy to set up and very easy to cancel if we’re able to get on a more predictable posting schedule.
Thanks for your interest in issues of performance in education. I look forward to continuing our conversations under this new arrangement.