Here’s what Teacher Beat is reading this weekend. Keep those tweets and comments a-coming!
• Do education majors learn less than their peers in other bachelor’s programs? That’s one of the assertions in a new book that tries to gauge how much value college adds to student learning. (Hat tip to the Education Writers’ Association’s Linda Perlstein.)
• The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education responds to the news that the National Council on Teacher Quality and U.S. News and World Report will be rating schools of education. It would like to see more emphasis on output-based measures, among other things.
• JPMorgan Chase will provide almost $100,000 in scholarship funds for teachers in high-need schools who are seeking National Board Certification. Research has shown that a lot of board-certified teachers tend to be in wealthier, higher-performing schools, and this initiative could help rectify that situation somewhat.
Have a good weekend and we’ll be back with you on Monday.