
April 1999

Teacher Magazine, Vol. 10, Issue 07
Education False Alarm
For years, criminologists have warned of an impending tidal wave of youth crime as the 1990s baby boomlet reaches adolescence.
Jessica Portner, April 1, 1999
4 min read
Education Opinion No Thanks
A college senior explains why she and her friends aren't likely to become teachers.
Elizabeth Greenspan, April 1, 1999
5 min read
Education Opinion Learning Curve
Advocates of testing teachers should remember that teaching is an art that must be practiced before it can be mastered.
Donald W. Thomas, April 1, 1999
7 min read
Education Opinion Killer Reviews
"I thought Killing Mr. Griffin was a cool book, even though it was totally unrealistic. Like you would ever kill your teacher that way? Hello!"
April 1, 1999
2 min read
Education Opinion Perspective
A few weeks ago, the progressive union leaders who helped create the Saturn auto plant in Spring Hill, Tennessee, were tossed out of office by union traditionalists who charged that their predecessors were too cozy with management.
Ronald A. Wolk, April 1, 1999
3 min read
Education Opinion Letters

The Basics

I am one of those people Emmet Rosenfeld mentions in "Parse This!" (March) who would like to see a return to the formalized teaching of grammar. When parents, employers, and others rise up against the kind of holistic writing instruction he espouses, they are not concerned about an occasional confusion between "its" and "it's." They are concerned about the inability of people who have been raised on a small ration of grammar to write a basic sentence, spell the most common words, and express any kind of thought in a coherent manner.
April 1, 1999
5 min read